TEAM Vocabulary
Implementation of the TEAM Model has led to a number of shifts in clinical vocabulary, as well as the addition of new terms. This page will help introduce new TEAM Members to terminology that may be unfamiliar.
Clinical Residency - That period of the professional education program, organized and directed by the university, during which the student is placed in an accredited public school for an established number of consecutive weeks, under the supervision of a qualified classroom teacher and a university faculty member. Note: PK-3 3 placements at 5 consecutive weeks, total 15 weeks (minimum). Other teacher education programs minimum of 10 weeks.
Clinical Resident - Candidate pursuing a role-specific clinical experience in the undergraduate teacher preparation program.
Clinical Rotation- Three 12-week clinical rotations are built into the Clinical Residency Program aligned closely to the university quarter system. It is strongly recommended that they are sequenced from August-May, but unique situations may be considered by the CRRC Leadership TEAM.
Content Evaluator - University representative who is directly responsible for mentoring, supervision, and evaluation of a teacher candidate during his/her placement in a partner school.
Co-Teaching - Two teachers (mentor and resident) working together with groups of students sharing the planning, organization, delivery and assessment of instruction, as well as the physical space. Both teachers are actively involved and engaged in all aspects of teaching!
Clinical Resident - Candidate pursuing a role-specific clinical experience in the undergraduate teacher preparation program.
Clinical Rotation- Three 12-week clinical rotations are built into the Clinical Residency Program aligned closely to the university quarter system. It is strongly recommended that they are sequenced from August-May, but unique situations may be considered by the CRRC Leadership TEAM.
Content Evaluator - University representative who is directly responsible for mentoring, supervision, and evaluation of a teacher candidate during his/her placement in a partner school.
Co-Teaching - Two teachers (mentor and resident) working together with groups of students sharing the planning, organization, delivery and assessment of instruction, as well as the physical space. Both teachers are actively involved and engaged in all aspects of teaching!
Director of Professional and Clinical Experiences – The university faculty member/administrator responsible for all phases of the clinical residency program.
edTPA – Standards-based collection of professional data that reflect the candidate’s capacity for teaching.
Evaluation – A scheduled evaluation, using the Danielson Framework of Teaching Evaluation Tool, of the Student Teacher completed by the Mentor TEAM, University Evaluator, and/or Cooperating Principal. Monthly formal feedback will be provided throughout the academic year to the resident.
Evaluation – A scheduled evaluation, using the Danielson Framework of Teaching Evaluation Tool, of the Student Teacher completed by the Mentor TEAM, University Evaluator, and/or Cooperating Principal. Monthly formal feedback will be provided throughout the academic year to the resident.
Intern – An initial certification candidate at the graduate level. Those pursuing the MAT degree.
Internship – MAT clinical experience over an entire school year in which the intern is employed by a school to teach in the content area in which teacher certification is being sought.
Internship – MAT clinical experience over an entire school year in which the intern is employed by a school to teach in the content area in which teacher certification is being sought.
Lead Resident – The main contact for the resident team responsible for communication and collection of any paperwork.
Lead Mentor – The main school contact for the mentor team responsible for all communication, meeting locations, and collection of paperwork.
Lead Mentor – The main school contact for the mentor team responsible for all communication, meeting locations, and collection of paperwork.
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) Interns – MAT candidates are required to complete a full-year internship. They may choose to participate in the clinical residency program being assigned to a co-teaching environment with a mentor providing constant support daily or a more traditional route of securing a teaching position at a school while pursuing initial certification. A trained TEAM mentor will be assigned.
Mentor – The certified public school teacher responsible for the instruction, supervision, and assessment of candidates during student teaching. The Clinical School Faculty must teach in his/her certification area, possesses a master’s degree and/or has a minimum of three years of teaching experiences, and/or has completed the required course in Supervision of Student Teachers.
Mentor Team – A team of 4-6 mentors at an elementary, middle, or high school committed to hosting a resident team from August-May.
Mentor – The certified public school teacher responsible for the instruction, supervision, and assessment of candidates during student teaching. The Clinical School Faculty must teach in his/her certification area, possesses a master’s degree and/or has a minimum of three years of teaching experiences, and/or has completed the required course in Supervision of Student Teachers.
Mentor Team – A team of 4-6 mentors at an elementary, middle, or high school committed to hosting a resident team from August-May.
Partner School – A school which provides the opportunity and facilities for observation, participation, and teaching in cooperation with the teacher certification programs at Louisiana Tech University.
Resident Team – The recommended group of 4-6 residents placed at one school setting during a clinical rotation or academic year.
School Leader – The identified school main contact for the clinical director, clinical liaison, and district liaison. It is often the principal, but in some larger schools, an assistant principal may be identified for the academic year. This leader will attend all clinical liaison meetings and conduct district evaluations of the residents.
School Leadership Team – The building principal of the school that provides the setting for completion of the observation and participation experiences as well as for student teaching.
School Leadership Team – The building principal of the school that provides the setting for completion of the observation and participation experiences as well as for student teaching.
Team Evaluation – A formal observation in the classroom by the entire school mentor team over the course of 1-2 weeks. The entire team will meet with the clinical liaison to complete a collaborative evaluation form based upon evidence of planning, teaching, management, assessment, and professionalism.
TEAM Model – The Louisiana Tech University College of Education’s research-based model for clinical residency programs. The framework includes the St. Cloud Co-Teaching Model, Alabama Clinical Master Teacher Model, and innovative district/university partnerships with clinical /district liaisons.
TEAM Model – The Louisiana Tech University College of Education’s research-based model for clinical residency programs. The framework includes the St. Cloud Co-Teaching Model, Alabama Clinical Master Teacher Model, and innovative district/university partnerships with clinical /district liaisons.
Walk-Through – An informal observation in the classroom by a mentor, school leader, or university faculty member. There will be at least one weekly walkthrough throughout the year by another member of the