Dr. Pam Morgan, Assistant Professor of Special Education, was the guest speaker this morning at the Clinical Residency TEaM (Teacher Educators and Mentors) Model's September Table Talk. Table Talks are monthly meetings in the Clinical Residency Research Center with the 2015-2016 full-year PK-3/Elementary interns.
Dr. Amy Vessel, Acting Director of Professional and Clinical Experiences, coordinates TEaM members to provide professional development in areas of need according to the intern's recommendations. Per the intern team request, the focus was meeting the needs of all students, and Dr. Morgan provided a wealth of recommendations, strategies, and professional resources from her personal library. CIL Department Chair, Dr. Bryan McCoy, and Dean Don Schillinger also dropped by to welcome the interns back to campus. Thanks again, Dr. Morgan, for spending your morning supporting the residency program!
This article originally appeared on the College of Education Blog on September 18, 2015.
Dr. Amy Vessel, Acting Director of Professional and Clinical Experiences, coordinates TEaM members to provide professional development in areas of need according to the intern's recommendations. Per the intern team request, the focus was meeting the needs of all students, and Dr. Morgan provided a wealth of recommendations, strategies, and professional resources from her personal library. CIL Department Chair, Dr. Bryan McCoy, and Dean Don Schillinger also dropped by to welcome the interns back to campus. Thanks again, Dr. Morgan, for spending your morning supporting the residency program!
This article originally appeared on the College of Education Blog on September 18, 2015.